Add WooCommerce fees to orders in your store based on predefined rules!
WooCommerce Fee Manager gives store managers the ability to define additional fees that can be applied to orders. Store business logic can be added to each fee to automate the application of fees.
Plugin Features
The plugin adds the ability to define multiple Fees for the site. Each fee has conditions that will determine whether or not the fee is applied to the order. After a fee is defined it can be in Published or Draft status. Only Published will be applied on the site.

Fee Types
The WooCommerce Fee Manager can apply fees that are positive fixed amount, negative fixed amount, or a percentage of the sub total. Each Fee has a unique name that identifies it to the store manager and to customers when they are placing an order.

Taxable Fees
Fees can be defined to be taxable or non taxable. Taxable fees can have a tax class defined for them.

Fee Conditions
Store managers have several types of conditions to check for when applying fees to orders. Conditions used to apply fees include:
- Apply fee to all orders
- Apply fee when a product is in the cart or not in the cart
- Apply fee when the order is being shipped to a city, state, or country
- Apply fee when a shipping method or
- Apply fee when products purchased are in a select product category
- Apply fee to users with a certain role
- Apply fee before, after, or on a specific date
- Apply fee based on product tags
- Apply fee to specific product types
Fees can also be applied based on a combination of all of the above conditions. This plugin is very flexible and can meet all of your shop’s business rules!
Customer View
Fees are shown to the customer in the Cart, Checkout, and Order Received page.
This is what the Cart Totals looks like on the Cart page:

Here is how the fees are shown on the Checkout page. The fee will look like any other fee added to WooCommerce. The display of the fee will match your current site’s theme.

After the order is placed and the customer arrives ad the Order Complete page the fee will be shown in the Order Details area. This same display will be used in the My Account area.

Store Manager View
Store managers will be able to see fees added by the WooCommerce Fee Manager in the same place as other fees added by WooCommerce. In Edit Order page if the fee has been applied it will show in the Order Line Items box. The fee title will be shown to identify the fee as a WooCommerce Fee Manager fee.

This plugin requires WooCommerce 3.0+.
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- 5 Site License
- 1 Year of Updates and Support
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- 20 Site License
- 1 Year of Updates and Support
- 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee